Web1. “Every time I see a cardinal, I know my grandmother is with me. This regal, red bird was Grandma's favorite.” - Kris Carr. 2. “I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than to. WebMarcus Aurelius. “A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”- Maya Angelou. Inspirational Quotes With Cardinals. “It’s only. WebThe red-tailed hawk is a “bird of beautiful plumage, piercing eyes, and gallant, swift flight.” – john muir. “his wings are gray and silver, and his tail, too, is gray with white.
WebWith heigh! the doxy, over the dale, Why, then comes in the sweet o' the year; For the red blood reigns in the winter's pale. The white sheet bleaching on the hedge, With heigh!. WebCardinals were given their name back when the early settlers compared the red hue and high crest of the bird to the red vestments and hats worn by cardinals of the.